Available MM 2.2.4
Ultimately page and content formatting is something that falls within the realm of WordPress -- we have no control over this. We do our best to cover all scenarios in our development but the fact is that it's impossible for us to cover all environmental factors that could cause problems especially since any combination of themes and plugins can be used alongside MemberMouse.
The WordPress auto-paragraph functionality can be very confusing. MemberMouse attempts to avoid some of that confusion using code to disable WordPress' auto-paragraph functionality on core pages. This works in most cases, however, other plugins and themes could also be attempting to do their own adjustments which can cause conflicts. So the setting that disables the WordPress auto-paragraph functionality can be de-activated by following the below steps:
Follow the steps below to enable WordPress auto-paragraph functionality from MemberMouse core pages:
- From the MemberMouse menu go to General Settings, and then click on the Other Settings tab.
- Scroll down to the WordPress Content Options section.
To enable WordPress auto-paragraph functionality on MemberMouse core pages, uncheck the check box.
- Click the button to save your settings.
Follow the steps below to adjust formatting issues caused by WordPress auto-paragraph on a page-by-page basis:
- Install and activate the Raw HTML plugin.
Go to the page or post where you want to disable automatic line spacing and on the right hand side you'll see a module entitled Raw HTML.
- Check off all of the options in this module.
- Click the button to save the settings.