This tag is used in conjunction with the [MM_Form] tag. It is used to display messages on the screen relevant to the current form. Depending on the type of the parent form, different message types are supported.


type - Indicates what type of message to display. The entire set of acceptable values for this attribute is dependent on the form type, but the value of error is acceptable for all forms. Messages of type error will display any errors associated with form submission on the screen. Additional values for the type attribute may be available for different form types. See the section below for a list of additional values based on form type.

Different form types support different message types. Below is a list of supported message types broken down by form type.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.

couponSuccess - This displays a message related to a coupon being successfully applied to an order.

couponError - This displays a message related to a coupon being unsuccessfully applied to an order.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.

success - This displays a success message informing the member that a new password has been sent to their email address.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.

success - This displays a success message informing the member that their new password has been set.


couponSuccess - This displays a message related to a coupon being successfully applied to an order.

couponError - This displays a message related to a coupon being unsuccessfully applied to an order.


error - This displays any error message that occurred while the user was interacting with the form.

success - This displays a success message informing the member that their custom data was saved successfully.



[MM_Form type="checkout"]

[MM_Form_Message type="error"]

Coupon: [MM_Form_Field name="couponCode"]

<a href="[MM_Form_Message type='applyCoupon']">Apply Coupon</a>

[MM_Form_Message type="couponSuccess"]

[MM_Form_Message type="couponError"]

...other form SmartTags...


In this example, I'm using the [MM_Form_Message] tag to display general form errors at the top of the screen and to display messaging related to applying a coupon to the order right below the coupon code form field.