Before reading this article, make sure that you have configured MemberMouse with your email service provider. Read this article to learn more about integrating with an email service provider.
After you've configured your email service provider on the Email Integrations tab, and click the Configure button, you will see a section labelled Bundle Mappings. By mapping bundles to your mailing lists, MemberMouse will automatically update the mailing lists when bundles are added or removed from a member's account.
As you add bundle mappings they will be displayed in table which will display the name of the bundle, the mailing list that members should be added to when the bundle is active on their account and the mailing list that members should be added to when the bundle is canceled/paused on their account. From this table you can click the icon to edit the mapping or the
icon to remove the mapping.
Create Bundle Mappings
- Click the
button to create a bundle mapping.
Select the bundle you want to map to a mailing list.
Select the mailing list that you want members added to when the bundle is active on a member's account. If you have a Canceled List defined as well, members will be removed from this list when the bundle becomes active.
Select the mailing list that you want members added to when the bundle selected above is canceled, paused or expired on a member's account. If you have an Active List defined as well, members will be removed from this list when the bundle becomes canceled or paused.
- Click the
button to save the bundle mapping.
Note: Once you've mapped your bundles to mailing lists in your email service provider, going forward all members who are associated with those bundles with be automatically processed by MemberMouse and added to the appropriate mailing list. Members who had the bundles prior to this configuration will not automatically be added to the mailing lists. Read this article to learn how to import members with existing bundles into a mailing list.
If a member updates their user information on the My Account page, or if an administrator updates a user's information via the Manage Member area, such as their name or email, MemberMouse will recognize this change and update the information within your email integration automatically.
If you're not seeing the list mappings or list changes are not appearing as expected:
- Make sure that you don't have any special characters in the mailing list names on your email service provider.
- Verify the provider API keys are correct.
- Check that the affected users were registered after the account was configured in MemberMouse.