You may need to know a product ID, Membership level ID, Bundle or other IDs for a number of different reasons. This could include SmartTags, SmartWidgets, purchase links, checkout form custom fields configuration and more. You can find an ID a couple of different ways.
Manually Look Up IDs
The first way to find an ID after you login to your WordPress Site with MemberMouse installed is to first click on MemberMouse on your left sidebar. You then click on Product Settings then just hover your mouse cursor over any product, membership level, bundle or coupon name (item) and this will display the ID number for that specific item.
Using the ID Lookup Tool
NOTE - This method is no longer available in WordPress versions 5.0 and above. Please see our article on What changes can I expect if I upgrade to WordPress v.5.0?
The second way allows you to find ID numbers conveniently while in other pages, posts and other areas of WordPress using MemberMouse's ID lookup tool.
You can click on the icon shown to find IDs you may need to use inside of MemberMouse. Once you click on the icon a list of your products will show up with all their associated IDs. There will also be a drop down to look up other IDs such as Products, Membership Levels, Bundles, Employees, and Protected Content. You can then click on the
icon next to any ID number to enter that into your text are you are working on. This is shown in the image below.