Manage Members FAQ

How do I create a member signup form?
There are two ways to use signup forms in MemberMouse, and both can be present on your site at the same time. The Checkout Core Page is created when MemberM...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 2:07 PM
What's the Difference Between Pausing and Canceling an Account
From every perspective, except account access and content protection, pausing an account is the same as canceling an account. When an account is paused ...
Thu, 28 Jun, 2018 at 5:32 AM
How do I just collect an email address and then someone can access protected content?
Often you might not want the first interaction with visitors to be a purchase. You just want to add them to a mailing list or allow them to see one or two p...
Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 at 2:10 PM
Why is there a discrepancy between the number of members I see reported?
This is likely occurring because the numbers on the MemberMouse main section of the dashboard is your "Active" members. Whereas when you search t...
Thu, 13 Sep, 2018 at 6:30 PM
How do I create a complimentary account?
You can easily give a member access to a paid bundle or membership level for free. How to Comp a Bundle or Membership Level In the MemberMouse me...
Thu, 13 Sep, 2018 at 11:43 AM